The musical project KarpaTon is the legacy from the hills where our forefathers walked, as they stood proud and firm on the land, heads raised up towards the Heavens, chanting together in union with angelic and heavenly Beauty.

When we all go , we shall meet up together on the hill.

Music Instruments:

Fujara 1,7,9 / Píšťala dvojačka 1 / Koncovky 7 / Šesťdierkové pastierske píšťaly 5,6,8,9 / Štvordierková pastierska píšťala 8 / Tenor píšťala 9 / Okarína 6 / Gajdica 3,4 / Hulusi 4 / Kaval 2 / Sufi Ney 4 / Duduk 8 / Zurna 5 / Saxonet 5 / Xaphoon 5 / Moseno 9 / Navajo flute 9 / Didgeridoo 9 / Drumble 4 / Tibetské misy 1,9 / Tingša 9 / Činely, gong 4 / Rain Stick 2 / Djembe 4,5,9 / Veľký bubon 3,4,5 / Akordeón 3,5 / Harmónium 2 / Tampura Radel 2,9 / Yamaha DGX 630 1,4,6,7,8

Sounds: Bells / Stream / Sounds of nature and pastures / Fire



Preview from Karpat Mater

The album is based on the folk songs of Carpathian region, especially from the author’s mother’s native region – northern Zemplín. Author’s creative approach is showing a deep sense of humility and immense respect for tradition and values of the old world. It is the cornerstone on which an authentic life can be built. The attentive listener can read the encrypted life experience in songs, decipher codes harboring bygone wisdom of our ancestors, surprisingly valid for the contemporary world as well.

The atmosphere and the themes of songs reflect rich diversity of human emotions and needs. Painful sadness, longing for forgiveness, need for compassion, unspeakable tension between man’s and woman’s world, unconditional motherly love, spontaneous unbridled joy. Ambiguous and fascinating as life itself.

All these facts allow the album Karpat Mater deliver a simple message: Appreciation of the wonderful bond that connects us all with our mother. The need to express reverence for mothers and women kick-started the works on album and was driving the entire music project. If this work makes you feel that beautiful, perennial bond with mother and sense the uniqueness of the feminine principle for just a little moment, the album fulfilled its ambition. Karpat Mater!

M. Müller