Music project KarpaTon was created in 2010 as the initiative of multi-instrumentalist and singer Michal Smetanka. It originated in his intention to bring in life a fusion of traditional music culture of the Carpathians into new music genres, above all alternative music and world music. Due to participation of various musicians who joined the project over the years, several original and succesful programs were transformed into multiple concerts and 4 albums were recorded (KarpaTon I in 2011, Na koreňu in 2012, double album Skadzi Tadzi in 2013 a Karpat Mater in 2015).
Particularly characteristic for KarpaTon is the exclusive acoustic expression, irredeemable due to variable use of numerous ethnic musical instruments originating in regions from Carpathians through Eurasia to the musical armamentarium of world exotic cultures. Compositions, edits and improvisations in performances have roots in the traditional Carpathian songs, mostly Slovak and Ruthenian ones. Another characteristic is the exclusive use of native, traditional lyrics reproduced in a new, unconventional way.
Despite the sound and instrumental variety in KarpaTon music interpretation, the signature of Slovak and Carpathian tradition is always clearly indentifiable.
Numerous outstanding musicians were, and still are, collaborating with project KarpaTon either as longterm members or guest musicians:
B. Fecková, A. Nacher, Z. Antošová, J. Majer Vavreková, L. Bujňáková, M. Olejníková, M. Szabóová, M. Mišendová, R. Pajorková, I. Feníková, E. Halčínová, A. Bachledová, M. Styczinski, M. Harna, S. Baláž, J. Franek, J. Hrušovský, M. Germuška, P. Germuška, P. Marcinko, E. Fertáľ, R. Egreši, P. Pavličko, M. Muller, J. Chovanec, Š. Mačejovský, A. Smetanka, E. Drelich, P. Pavlík, M. Lizak, M. Reznický, M. Janigloš and others.
Fundamental members of KarpaTon Concert tour 2018:
- I. Feníková – vocals
- M. Smetanka – multi-instrumentalist, vocals
- S. Harman – accordion
- J. Chovanec – accordion
- V. Kubáň – contrabass, chordophone
- P. Marcinko – bagpipe, pipes
- R. Egreši – percussions
- A. Smetanka – percussions
- E. Fertáľ – percussions